Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm Great Update - How to Get Noticed at Work

By Pamela Jett

Are you satisfied with the recognition you are receiving in the workplace for all of your efforts, ideas, and hard work? Do you feel your leader appreciates you when you put forth an extra effort? Would you like to increase the likelihood that your hard work is recognized and has a positive impact on your promotability? Most professionals would like more attention, authority, and opportunity in the workplace. Communication is the tool through which you can achieve more recognition and opportunity.

As professionals, we must be willing to “toot our own horns” since others will rarely do it for us. However, most of us don’t want to come across as someone who is pushy or obnoxious. I suggest sending “I’m great updates” to your immediate supervisor once a quarter. The “I’m great update” is a one page email that summarizes all the important things you have been doing, all the problems you have solved, and all the opportunities you have maximized. It is essentially a status report you leverage for your success. Here are some quick tips:

1. Keep it brief – one printed page max.

2. Use “bullet points” to make it easy and quick to read.

3. If you have made or saved your organization money, put it in the up-date.

4. Share the status of anything big you are currently working on.

5. Include any new skills you have acquired such as knowledge of a new computer program or any training sessions or workshops you have attended – especially if you did so on your own initiative.

6. Title it “Quarterly Progress Report” or something equally professional (unless your boss has a quirky sense of humor like me and would appreciate the clever “I’m Great Update” title).

Sending an "I'm great up-date" not only increases the likelihood that your efforts will be noticed and appreciated; it makes it easier for your boss at review time. They now have something they can easily access to remind them of the things you do well. This isn't pushy or obnoxious. It is simply working smarter, not harder. Regardless of your content, you will actually stand out from your colleagues because you take the time to keep your leadership in the loop. You make their job easier. It is a win/win!

Do you have a tip for tooting your own horn? If so, I would like to know about it. Send an e-mail to me, Pamela@JettCT.com . Keep watching this blog for more ways to communicate for success. Or, visit www.JettCT.com and visit the articles section for archived ideas and techniques.

Pamela Jett is a communication skills expert who believes that words matter. She works with organizations, associations and individuals who want to improve their communication skills for business and personal success. She can be reached toll free at 866.726.5388 or at her website www.JettCT.com .

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