Saturday, August 9, 2008

How to Be Heard Through the Noise

By Pamela Jett

I recently returned from a trip to NYC where I attended the annual convention of the National Speakers Association. The convention was wonderful! I had the opportunity hear and learn from world class speakers and tremendous thought leaders. Steve Forbes was on the main platform, I heard Tim Ferriss speak who is the author of the great book The Four Hour Workweek (I also saw him break-dance for that matter), and I also was able to hear Cathie Black who is the President of Hearst Magazines and the author of a terrific book every professional woman ought to read, Basic Black. While listening and learning from these speakers was tremendous, one of my most memorable experiences happened away from the meeting rooms and the main stage.

The convention was held at a hotel right on Time's Square. If you have ever been there, you know it is lit up with neon advertising 24/7. Things are going non-stop all day long. Advertisers compete for consumer attention in garish, flashing, huge displays - everywhere. One afternoon, while having a lovely conversation with a colleague and friend, I had the opportunity to sit in a restaurant high above Times Square and look out over all the visual stimulus. I was struck by several things; two of them involving all the visual "noise". First, I was struck by how lucky I am to do what I love for a living and travel. I was sitting overlooking something that many people only see on television. I am blessed to have wonderful opportunities to see amazing sites and do interesting things. I was also thinking that it is amazing that any advertiser can get anyone's attention - there is just so much competition. It is information and stimulus overload. This is rather like the average professional's day. E-mail, text messages, voice-mail, meetings, e-zines, proposals, contracts - yikes! It is information overload! It is a wonder anything is ever heard through the noise. If you are looking to stand out - to get the attention of another professional - you must do everything in your power to position your message strategically. Here are three tips for increasing the likelihood that you will be "heard through the noise".

1. Lead with your conclusions. If you are looking to grab someone's attention, lead with how much money your proposal will save them, or how many hours will be saved - essentially deliver the bottom line right up front. This will help grab attention and establish your credibility. For example, you could approach your leader and say "I have a solution to the distribution challenge we are facing that will shave 10% off our current costs".

2. Put things in writing. While not always necessary, people do tend to take things more seriously if they are in writing. For example, if you are in a meeting and want to garner support for your position, have a handout or some sort of documentation to share with others. This shows that you are serious and that you have done your homework. It also increases the likelihood that you will get credit for your contributions.

3. Ask "is now a good time to talk?" Respect for other people's time is very important. If you would like someone's attention, ask for it as opposed to assuming they are available. This is especially important if you are trying to get the attention of someone who works in a cube. If they say no, ask when you can schedule a conversation. To some of us, this may seem like simple common courtesy. However, when I conduct workshops and programs all over the United States, I hear complaint after complaint that people just "barge in" and assume it is convenient. Stand out from the crowd and be respectful.

While not guaranteeing that others will give you their undivided attention, using these tips can greatly increase your ability to be heard through the noise. For more tools, tips, and techniques, visit Pamela's website,, and go to the resource store.

Pamela Jett is a communication skills expert who provides programs to associations, organizations and executives. To see Pamela live, you can go to her website, Feel free to comment on this blog and pass it on to others. You can also e-mail Pamela at

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